hair loss

Ayurveda is a traditional Indian medicine that’s been widely followed and considered effective not just for hair care but for overall health. Hair loss is a common problem these days, but the good news is that there are Ayurvedic hair masks that work well to combat hair loss.

Let’s learn more about them and how to use them for best results.

Understanding Hair Loss in Ayurveda

Ayurveda is a sanskrit work that literally translates to “science of life and longevity”. There are different stages of any ayurvedic treatment protocols, and while external remedies are suggested, including ayurvedic hair masks for combatting hair loss, other changes, including dietary changes, are advised. Having said that, let’s understand what hair loss is in Ayurveda.

According to Ayurveda, hair loss happens when the body’s basic constitutional balance is disturbed. It’s further classified based on the type of issue and the possible imbalanced constitution leading to it. Ayurvedic hair masks are one way to deal with hair fall and promote healthy hair growth.

Other common causes of hair loss include aging, nutritional deficiencies, genetics, hormonal imbalance, medications, unhealthy lifestyle or diet, certain health conditions, etc. Did you know lack of circulation, lack of sunlight, increased stress, and even improper sleep cycles can contribute to hair loss?

Ayurveda helps identify the root cause of the problem and addresses it. By addressing the root cause of the problem, it’s easier to combat and prevent the recurring of the problem. Not only does ayurveda tackle hair loss, but it also helps with hair regrowth, not just hair growth.

Essential Ingredients for Ayurvedic Hair Masks for Hair Loss

There are many herbal ingredients that you can choose to use to combat hair loss through ayurveda. Here are a few essential ingredients for ayurvedic hair masks to choose from for best results: False daisy, Shikakai, also called fruit for hair, water hyssop, spikenard, Indian winter cherry, margosa, Indian gooseberry, fenugreek seeds and leaves, hibiscus leaves and flowers, etc.

However, when you’re preparing your ayurvedic hair mask, choose the additional ingredients according to the suitability of the recipe you’re going with.

DIY Ayurvedic Hair Mask Recipes for Hair Loss

Indian Gooseberry Mask Ingredients


  • False Daisy Powder – 2 Tbsps.
  • Indian Gooseberry Juice – 2 Tbsps.


Nothing special, add both ingredients to a mixing bowl and stir to combine.

Add water to make a paste that’s not too thick and easy to apply.



Apply the paste on your hair and scalp with a hair coloring brush and cover with a shower cap.

Make sure to apply all over your scalp – dividing the hair into smaller sections can help cover all areas.

Let it sit for 20 minutes before washing off.

You can use the mask thrice a week.


This hair mask helps stimulate hair growth, strengthens hair strands for hair fall control, and improves hair health overall.


You can add Yogurt or Coconut Milk instead of or along with water for added nourishment.

You can also add fenugreek powder for added nourishment, and it’s a natural hair conditioner.

Triphala Mask


Triphala is an ayurvedic herbal preparation with three ingredients- gooseberry, terminalia bellirica, and terminalia chebula – three fruits that play a key role in ayurveda. It’s used for hair care and to balance the three doshas in the body, among other things.


  • Coconut Oil – 1 Tbsp.
  • Triphala Powder – 1 Tbsp.
  • Yogurt – As needed


Nothing special – take enough yogurt and add in the triphala powder and coconut oil.

Mix well to combine.

You’ll need a cup of yogurt or more, depending on your hair length.


Apply the hair mask using a coloring brush on your hair and scalp.

Cover your head with a shower cap and wait for 30 – 45 minutes before washing off.

You can use this mask twice a week.


This simple but very effective pack can do wonders for hair care. Rich in vitamin C, this pack can reduce hair fall. The nourishing and moisturizing yogurt can strengthen your hair follicles and improve the health of your hair and scalp.

Indian Winter Cherry Mask

Winter Cherry

Both Indian winter cherry and water hyssop are nourishing ingredients for your hair and scalp. This mask nourishes hair follicles and promotes hair growth.


  • Indian Winter Cherry – 1 Tbsp.
  • Water Hyssop Powder – 1 Tbsp.
  • Milk – as needed


Make a thick paste of Indian winter cherry and water hyssop powders, adding milk.- the paste can be a little watery to make application easier – it’s a matter of choice.



Apply the paste on your hair and scalp using a coloring brush and cover your head to prevent spilling.

Wait for at least 30 minutes before washing off.

You can use this hair mask twice a week.


This is a nourishing and strengthening hair mask that helps promote hair growth.


You can also add false daisy powder to this mask, promoting healthy hair growth.

Ayurvedic Tips for Hair Loss Prevention

Ayurveda believes that the balance of the three doshas of an individual is the common causative factor of hair loss. As such, any imbalance should be corrected at the earliest.

Using ayurvedic hair masks can help curb hair fall and promote healthy hair and scalp. A hair mask is one way to nurture, nourish, and strengthen hair and improve scalp health.

Oiling your scalp regularly can prevent dry hair and also help promote a healthier scalp and hair.

Lack of exercise, alcohol, and stress are other common causative factors of hair fall. To curb hair loss, one should abstain from alcohol, have an active lifestyle, and manage stress effectively.

Regular head massages can help stimulate hair follicles and prevent the loss of hair. You can do deep conditioning oil to promote blood circulation and restore the scalp’s natural oils. It also boosts hair growth and nurtures damaged hair back to health or prevents further damage.

Using natural ingredients to wash or care for hair, or when not available or not possible, using mild, gentle, and natural products is important to ensure hair and scalp care.

Include foods that help strengthen hair and prevent hair loss, like walnuts, green gram, peanuts, greens, gooseberry, cucumber, fenugreek seeds, coconut, cumin seeds, ghee, fennel seeds, sesame seeds, green leafy vegetables, etc.

Precautions and Tips

Don’t use any ingredients you’re allergic to. Herbs and natural ingredients can still cause adverse reactions. Always do a patch test to be on the safer side.

As much as over-washing isn’t good for your hair, over-combing isn’t good either. A good brushing or combing stimulates your scalp, but don’t go full throttle with 100 brushes a day!

Give it at least 2 – 3 weeks before deciding or identifying if an ingredient or recipe is working for you. All natural remedies take time, so give them the time, but don’t continue using a recipe if there are adverse reactions.


Try these homemade hair masks and see how they work for you. Any natural remedy will take a few weeks or more for visible results. So give it the time before you take a call. Don’t have time for DIY Recipes? No worries, we’ve got you covered with a range of premium vegan hair cosmetics from Vitamins Revive. Do check out their online store to know more about their products.

As always, feel free to add your own tweaks to the recipe and experiment with the ingredients to identify what combination works best for you. Have any questions, feedback, or requests? Feel free to write to us. We love hearing from you.