DIY General Hair Tips

Homemade Sunscreen Recipes With Aloe Vera

Sunscreen is one way to protect your hair and skin from harsh UV rays when heading out. Commercial sunscreens come with chemical sun protection filters that can be harmful in the long run.

That’s where homemade sunscreen with aloe vera gel and other natural ingredients can be a game changer. Thanks to global warming, temperatures are soaring, and it’s warmer than ever before. Also, the breach in the ozone layer means protection from harmful UV rays is entirely left to us.

Homemade sunscreen with a good sun protection factor is the key to protecting yourself while stepping out.

Why Homemade Sunscreen with Aloe Vera?

Aloe vera gel is a natural protection from the sun and has a sun protection factor of 25. That’s not all, it is also cooling and can offset heat damage considerably.

It is healing, soothing, and extremely beneficial for skin and hair. A homemade sunscreen with aloe is comprehensive care from the sun.

Understanding the Sun’s Impact on Skin

1 in 5 Americans are affected by skin cancer, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. If you think about it, sun tanning is probably one of the least concerns that happen due to exposure to sun.

Sun protection is the best tool in your arsenal to combat sun damage. What better way than homemade sunscreen for hair to protect hair from sun damage?

Key Ingredients for DIY Sunscreen with Aloe Vera

When considering making your own homemade sunscreen from scratch, there’s no need to worry. Preparing homemade sunscreen isn’t difficult; the key is choosing the right ingredients and keeping the sun protection factor high.

Aloe vera gel with an SPF of 25 is good for sun protection and overall for hair and skin. It is also a cooling ingredient, light, suitable for most, and hypoallergenic.

Coconut oil is another ingredient that can be used when preparing homemade sunscreen with aloe vera gel. With an SPF that is between 2 – 8, the healing benefits of this wonderful oil are an added advantage.

Zinc oxide is a mainstay in all commercial sunscreens, and it isn’t without a reason. It is a rich mineral-based active ingredient mainly used to reflect sun rays off the skin layers – like a mirror.

With an SPF rating of 3 – 5, Shea Butter is a great addition to your homemade sunscreen with aloe vera gel, making for nourishing hair and skin food. The sun protection benefit is an added advantage, considering the many benefits this nutrition powerhouse offers.

The carrot seed oil has a stunning SPF of 38 – 40 and is a nutrition powerhouse. Raspberry seed oil protects from both UVA and UVC rays and offers limited protection against UVA rays.

The SPF can be anywhere from 28 – 50, depending on many factors. These are some of the ingredients you can consider for your homemade sunscreen.

2 Homemade Sunscreen Recipes

We’re going to look at two different recipes to choose from. They’re both natural and work well to protect your skin from the sun. Choose the one that works best for you.

Vegan Berrylicious Sunscreen Spray for Hair

We will use the red raspberry oil in our recipe to keep it light and effective. It is also suitable for all hair types, though you can tweak the recipe to customize it for your requirements and preferences.


Red Raspberry Seed Oil – 1/4 Cup

Rosemary Tea Bags – 2

Distilled Water – a Cup

Avocado Oil – 1/4 Cup

Aloe Vera Gel – 1 Tsp.


In a mixing bowl, place the tea bag and pour the water over it.

Heat it to near boil, remove from heat, and let it steep till it cools down.

Filter the cooled rosemary tea into a sterilized spritzer.

Add in the avocado oil, aloe vera gel, and raspberry seed oil and shake gently to combine.

How to Use it?

Shake the dispenser before every use to combine the ingredients.

Spritz on your hair and style as usual before heading out.

Tips to Tweak the Recipe

You can also use coconut oil instead of avocado oil, though the latter has an SPF of 4 – 15.

You can also add a spoonful of zinc oxide powder. It doesn’t leave any residue on your hair.

Vegan Aloe Sunscreen Spray for Hair

Using carrot seed oil, we’re preparing a nutrient-rich sunscreen spray for hair that will protect your hair from the sun and promote better hair health.


Aloe Vera Gel – 1/4 Cup

Water – 1 Cup

Carrot Seed Oil – 2 Tbsps.

Coconut Oil – 2 Tbsps.


Add all the ingredients to a sterilized spritzer and shake to combine.

How to Use it?

Shake the dispenser to combine the ingredients.

Spray on your hair and style as usual.

Tips to Tweak the Recipe

You can add rose hydrosol instead of distilled water.

You can add essential oils for added aroma. Use essential oils that are not photosensitive.

You can also add a spoonful of zinc oxide powder. It doesn’t leave any residue on your hair.

Benefits of Aloe Vera in Sunscreen

  • Aloe vera is a moisturizing, hydrating, and cooling ingredient that’s also suitable for all skin and hair types.
  • It is light and doesn’t weigh down your hair.
  • It is a coolant and also good for your hair.
  • It also soothes sunburns and is said to prevent sun damage.

Safety Precautions

  • Don’t use any ingredients you’re allergic to. Some are allergic to aloe vera, though rare, if you’re allergic to aloe vera skip and use the other ingredients given in the recipe.
  • Always do a patch test before trying out any new recipe or ingredients.
  • Zinc oxide typically deflects sun rays like a sunblock and other ingredients offer protection against UVA or UVB rays. It is important to choose ingredients accordingly for comprehensive sun protection.

Comparing Homemade vs. Commercial Sunscreens

  • Homemade sunscreen costs a fraction of a commercial sunscreen cost.
  • We can make our homemade sunscreen using all-natural ingredients.
  • No damaging or harmful chemicals in homemade sunscreen as compared to commercial sunscreens.
  • We know what ingredients we’re adding to our homemade sunscreen.


As we always say, feel free to add your own tweaks and changes to the recipe and customize it according to your preferences and requirements. That’s the fun part of DIY, right? Experimenting and trying different variations? So, try these recipes and tell us how you like them and how they work out for you.

Don’t have time for DIY recipes? We’ve covered you with a broad range of premium vegan hair care cosmetics from Vitamins Revive. Check out their online store to learn more about their products.

As always, feel free to reach out to us for any questions, feedback, or requests. We love hearing from our readers. Tell us about your successful experiments and how these recipes worked for you.


Can I prepare my homemade sunscreen from scratch?

Yes, you can.

Are homemade sunscreens as effective as commercial sunscreens?

Yes, they can be. You have to check the ingredients you’d like and their qualities and choose ingredients according to their properties for comprehensive coverage and protection.

Can I skip the water in the recipe?

You can, but applying it evenly and thoroughly can be tricky. Also, it might get denser, so try adding hydrosols or herbal teas if you don’t prefer water.

Does rose hydrosol offer sun protection?

It is an aromatic, cooling, and soothing ingredient that’s also good for hair. However, it is not a sun protection aid.

DIY Revive

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