Are you tired of using chemical-laden hair products that strip your hair of their natural oils? Look no further than these 6 DIY herbal hair rinses for lustrous hair!

Made with natural ingredients like lavender, rosemary, and chamomile, these rinses promote hair growth and strengthen strands, leaving your hair smelling divine. With recipes for every hair type, from dry to oily, there’s something for everyone.

Making herbal hair rinses is a cost-effective, entertaining, and relaxing DIY project. Say goodbye to harsh hair products and hello to healthy, happy hair with these herbal hair rinses.

1. Lavender Essential Oil Hair Rinse

Lavender offers loads of benefits for your hair and scalp. It calms inflammation and promotes better circulation to the scalp.

It is an astringent that strengthens hair follicles and also curbs hair loss. Besides, it has a relaxing and pleasant floral aroma. So, what’s not to like about it?

Nothing special; add 2 -3 tbsp of dried lavender buds to 2 cups of water. Bring the water to a boil, add the buds, and simmer it for a few minutes. Remove from heat and let it cool down. Filter, and your natural hair rinse is ready.


You can prepare any herbal or floral hair rinse the same way. So substitute your favorite herb instead of lavender for a homemade herbal hair rinse.

Herbal rinses are easy to prepare in this method at any time and can be used to improve your scalp and hair health.

2. Sage Essential Oil Hair Rinse

Sage is believed to treat dandruff and has been used for this purpose, individually or with other herbs. Besides, it also helps delay aging-related signs like graying, offsets premature graying, etc.

When used as a rinse, it can leave your hair shiny and soft. We will prepare a concentrated version with apple cider vinegar though you can prepare fresh rinse anytime you need, as mentioned in the previous recipe. Want to learn how to make it?

Things You’ll Need

  • Sage – a handful
  • Raw Apple Cider Vinegar – as needed

How To Make

  1. Sterilize a mason jar and set it aside.
  2. Dry the sage leaves in the shade – depending on the climate and other factors, it takes a few days to weeks to dry.
  3. Add the dried sage leaves after slightly crushing them to the sterilized mason jar.
  4. Pour over the apple cider vinegar till it’s fully covered.
  5. A one-inch gap should be from the mason jar’s mouth to the mixture you prepared.
  6. Keep shaking the jar every few days till the vinegar hair rinse is ready.
  7. Let it sit for 4 – 6 weeks to get ready for use.

How To Use

When you need to use the rinse, add 1 – 2 tbsp of the prepared herbal vinegar to a cup of water.

Use it as your final rinse – you don’t have to rinse out if you don’t mind. Though it’s ok to rinse, wait a couple of minutes before rinsing off.


As with herbal hair rinses, you can use the same recipe and measurements for any herb(s) or flower(s) of your choice to prepare the herbal hair rinse concentrate.

3. Chamomile Hair Rinse

Chamomile brightens dull and faded locks, lightens hair color, strengthens hair, and prevents split ends. It leaves you with shiny and vibrant locks.

Rich in antioxidants, rosehip will leave you with soft and silky hair, offsets split ends damage as a temporary fix, and moisturizes your hair. In addition, the essential fatty acids nourish your hair and scalp.

Things You’ll Need

  • Rosehip – 1 tbsp
  • Chamomile – 1 tbsp
  • Lavender Essential Oil – 7 drops
  • Water – 2 cups

How To Make

  1. Heat the water in a bowl and bring it to a rolling boil.
  2. Remove from heat and set aside.
  3. Add the herbs and close the bowl.
  4. Once the water cools down – by this time, your rinse is infused well, filter.
  5. Add the lavender essential oil, and it’s ready for use.

How To Use

Use this as your final rinse by pouring on your wet hair after washing your hair.


As noted earlier, chamomile can lighten your hair color. Though it doesn’t lighten as much as lemon juice, check the results with this herbal hair rinse to know how it reacts to your dark hair. However, it doesn’t affect your healthy hair negatively as bleaches do.

4. Calendula Hair Rinse

Rich in antioxidants, calendula protects against hair damage. It’s especially good if you have a sensitive or irritated scalp that needs soothing.

Rich in minerals and nutrients, including iodine, manganese, and carotene, it heals damaged hair follicles and strengthens hair. Want to know how to use this wonderful flower for lustrous hair?

Things You’ll Need

  • Calendula Flowers – 2 tbsp
  • Apple Cider Vinegar – 1/2 Cup

How To Make

  1. Dry the calendula flowers in the shade – takes a couple of days to a week.
  2. Bring two cups of water to a rolling boil.
  3. Remove from heat and add the dried calendula flowers to it.
  4. Keep it covered till it cools down – the water will be infused by then.
  5. Strain and add raw apple cider vinegar to the filtered mixture.
  6. Your calendula apple cider vinegar rinse is ready!

How To Use

Use this as your final rinse on wet and washed hair.

You can rinse out after a couple of minutes.


Vinegar rinses are a great way to get rid of scalp accumulation and clarify the scalp gently. So use it at least once a month to clear the scalp and improve scalp health.

5. Fenugreek Hair Rinse

Rich in flavonoids, fenugreek seeds help heal the scalp and damaged hair follicles. In addition, the mucilage in fenugreek hydrates dull hair and restores shine and life in dull tresses.

Curry leaves curbs hair fall and promotes hair growth. Rich in beta carotene, it strengthens hair follicles, and the anti-inflammatory properties soothe your scalp.

Things You’ll Need

  • Fenugreek Seeds – 1 tbsp
  • Curry Leaves – 2 tbsp
  • Honey – 1 tsp
  • Lemon Juice – 1 tsp
  • Water – 3 cups

How To Make

  1. Soak the fenugreek seeds in a cup of water overnight – you can skip this step if you’re looking for an instant rinse.
  2. Add the remaining water to the soaked seeds in the morning and bring the water to a boil.
  3. Add curry leaves and let it simmer for a few minutes.
  4. Remove from heat and let the mixture cool down.
  5. When slightly warm, add honey and lemon juice (especially if you don’t want to lighten your locks).
  6. Stir to combine.

How To Use

Use this herbal rinse on wet hair after washing off your hair with shampoo.

Pour it slowly and gently massage to let the rinse work its magic.

Rinse off after a few minutes.

6. Herbal Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse

Herbal hair rinses are a great way to nourish, pamper, strengthen, and nurture your hair. This herbal hair rinse uses herbs and apple cider vinegar, a combination that works wonders for your hair and scalp.

Things You’ll Need

  • Nettle Leaves – 4 tbsp
  • Horsetail Leaves – 4 tbsp
  • Lavender Buds – 4 tbsp
  • Basil Leaves – 3 tbsp
  • Rosemary Leaves – 4 tbsp

How To Make

  1. All the measurements above are for dried herbs – if you’re drying them, measure after drying.
  2. Measure out the herbs and add them to a sterilized mason jar.
  3. Cover with acv, cover the jar with a cheesecloth, and let it sit for 4 – 6 weeks.
  4. A one-inch gap should be from the mason jar’s mouth to the mixture you prepared.
  5. Keep shaking the jar every few days till the vinegar hair rinse is ready.

How To Use

Take 4 tbsp for short – medium hair, and more depending on your hair length.

Then, add 2 – 3 cups or more of water.

Pour the rinse into washed wet hair slowly, working your way through with your fingers.

Wait for a few minutes before rinsing off.

Benefits of Using Herbal Hair Rinses

A herbal hair rinse is a cost-effective way to care for your hair and scalp. Depending on your requirement, choose the ingredients for your rinse, and in a few minutes, your rinse is ready!

It’s easy to prepare whether you’re strapped for time or otherwise. There’s a recipe that’s suitable for you.

They’re natural, chemical-free, and work wonders for improving your hair shaft’s health.

Oily hair, dry hair, itchy scalp, thinning hair, dry scalp, and other issues can be curbed using a good hair rinse. Depending on the ingredients can add shine to your locks, breathe life into dull and lifeless locks, prevent dandruff and treat scores of other scalp conditions, etc.

Final Thoughts

You can choose what method works for you best – the instant or infusing method- and choose your ingredients. You can use any herbs or florals, including burdock root, ginger root, chamomile flowers, lavender flowers, curry leaves, margosa leaves, false daisy leaves, calendula flowers, rosehip, ginseng root, mint leaves, rosemary leaves, sage leaves, horsetail leaves, nettle leaves, etc.

Don’t have time for DIY recipes? We have you covered with a broad range of premium began hair care products from Vitamins Revive. Do check out their store and let us know how you like them. Feel free to write to us with any questions, feedback, or requests.

As mentioned earlier, preparing these rinses are easy, affordable, and natural. Tell us how you liked these herbal hair rinse recipes and how they worked out.

DIY Revive

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