DIY Shampoo Treatments

DIY Hair Shampoo for Oily Scalp

Are you sick of your oily hair? Do you feel like you’ve tried every shampoo on the market, and nothing seems to work? If so, you’re not alone.

Oily hair is a common problem, especially for women. But don’t worry, there is a solution. You can make your own DIY hair shampoo that will help control oil and give your scalp the deep clean it needs.

Plus, it’s easy to make and much cheaper than store-bought shampoos. So, if you’re ready to get rid of your oily hair for good, read on for the recipe for DIY Hair Shampoo for Oily Scalp.

DIY Hair Shampoo Recipes

Egg Based shampoo


It doesn’t seem good, but users claim nothing beats egg for hair care. Chin up and give it a shot, and you won’t regret it.

Oily hair can make your hair go limp and flat, making any style look unflattering. It’s easy to spruce up naturally oily hair in no time with this egg shampoo for oily hair, and the best part is we’re using natural ingredients.

What You’ll Need

  • 2 Egg Whites (or) 1 Whole Egg
  • Lemon Juice – 2 Tbsps.
  • Lavender Oil – 7 Drops
  • Yogurt – 1/2 Cup


  1. Whisk together egg and yogurt.
  2. Add lemon juice and essential oil of your choice – you can use lavender, basil, rosemary, frankincense, myrrh, etc.
  3. Once combined the mixture is good to go.

How to use

Apply on your scalp and cover your hair with the remaining mixture.

Massage for a few seconds as you apply – gently and firmly.

Wrap your head with a shower cap, wait for 15 – 20 minutes, and wash off.

Make sure to use cold or lukewarm water until the egg is fully washed off.

Air dry and see how this natural shampoo makes your hair shiny!

You don’t have to use a shampoo after applying this unless you’re worried about any residual odor. There aren’t any, but if you wish, you can choose one of the homemade shampoos for greasy hair listed here.


If you’re uncomfortable or worried about the odor, just use egg whites. Otherwise, whole eggs are ideal to combat lifeless hair.

Make sure to use plain or unsweetened yogurt. If you’re allergic to yogurt, you can skip it and use the other ingredients in the recipe. Yogurt can revive dull and lifeless hair in no time.

Egg also helps with hair growth.

Chamomile Based Shampoo

Want to bid adieu to oily hair and scalp and limp hair? Try this Chamomile based shampoo for lustrous and shiny locks, that’s oil-free.

What You’ll Need

  • Chamomile Tea – 5 – 7 Tsps.
  • Shampoo – 1/2 Cup
  • Apple Cider Vinegar – 5 Tsps.
  • Lemon Juice – from 1 Lemon
  • Lavender Essential Oil – a few drops


  1. Make a herbal tea with chamomile flowers.
  2. Strain the infusion and set aside.
  3. Juice one lemon and add it to the tea.
  4. Add apple cider vinegar, liquid Castile soap or shampoo of you choice and essential oil you’ve chosen.
  5. Mix well and transfer to a dispenser bottle.


You can use your preferred essential oils – Tea Tree, Peppermint, Rosemary, Lemon, Chamomile, and Cedarwood are a few oils that curb excess sebum levels.

You can use one of the store-bought mild natural shampoos or liquid Castile soap for this recipe. We use Castile as it’s a gentle soap and doesn’t leave your hair or scalp dry.

Anyone can use this recipe, as long as you’re not allergic to any ingredients.

You can add a tablespoon of baking soda for clarifying your scalp to this shampoo.

Coconut Milk Based Shampoo

Coconut milk is one of the healthiest ingredients for hair and scalp care. Don’t let the name fool you into thinking it worsens oily hair. You’ll be surprised with the results.

What You’ll Need

  • Coconut Milk – 1/4 Cup
  • Hair Fruit Powder – 2 Tbsps.
  • Soap Nut Powder – 1 Tbsp.
  • Lemon Juice – 1 Lemon
  • Peppermint Essential Oil – 3 drops


  1. Grind a few pieces of coconut meat with water and sieve to get the coconut milk.
  2. To this, add all the ingredients – lemon juice, hair fruit powder, soap nut powder, and peppermint essential oil.
  3. Mix well and adjust the quantities to make a fairly easy to apply paste.
  4. This homemade shampoo also helps with hair growth.


The measures are for a single wash and can be increased or decreased per your requirement.

Also, you can add water if needed to make the mixture more pliable.

If you don’t get the powders, use any mild shampoo instead.

You can also add a couple of tablespoons of baking soda, to make a scalp clarifying to get rid of oily hair.

You can finish off with apple cider vinegar rinse for shiny hair.

Rich in nutrients, coconut milk nourishes hair follicles and promotes better hair health.

Mint Based Shampoo

Mint stimulates blood flow to your scalp, curbs the scalp’s oil production levels, and also soothes your itchy scalp, thanks to the antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. You can use this humble ingredient to combat oily hair and scalp.

What You’ll Need

  • Peppermint Leaves – 2 Tsps.
  • Sage Leaves – 2 Tsps.
  • Mild Shampoo or Liquid Castile Soap – As Needed


  1. Bring the peppermint and sage leaves to a boil in a stainless steel pan with a cup of water.
  2. Let it simmer for a few minutes.
  3. Leave the bowl closed after turning off the heat.
  4. When it cools down, strain and set aside.
  5. Add the concoction to your shampoo, and you’re done!
  6. Transfer to a shampoo dispenser but don’t use a glass container, as it might slip when handled with wet hands.


This is for a single hair wash, though you can make a larger quantity by multiplying the ingredient measurements.

You can also use hair fruit powder and soap nut powder instead of a homemade shampoo.

You can finish with an ACV rinse to combat oily hair.

Mint stimulates blood circulation, which in turn promotes hair growth.

You can also add green tea leaves to this recipe. Green tea improves hair growth by stimulating hair follicles.

Apple Cider Vinegar Based Shampoo

An oily scalp can be easily dealt with a little help from Apple Cider Vinegar. When combined with French Clay, you have a wonderful cleanser for your hair and scalp that doesn’t strip your scalp off natural oils.

What You’ll Need

  • Apple Cider Vinegar – 7 Tsps.
  • Green Clay – 3 Tsps.
  • Organic Honey – 1 Tbsp.
  • Green Tea – 1 or 2 Bags
  • Shampoo – As needed
  • Lavender Essential Oil – 3 drops


  1. Prepare a concoction by adding green tea to 1/4 cup of water and bring to a boil.
  2. Let it simmer for a few minutes.
  3. Keep the bowl closed and let it cool down while green tea is seeping.
  4. Strain the tea and add to a mixing bowl.
  5. Now add all the ingredients and mix well – apple cider vinegar, honey, shampoo, green clay, and lavender oil.
  6. You can add more shampoo or water if needed, to get the right consistency.
  7. Make sure the green clay is fully combined and there are no lumps.
  8. Transfer to a shampoo dispenser for ease of use.


This is for one wash, though you can add or reduce it depending on your requirements.

Green clay helps with cleansing and clarifying your scalp, resulting in oil-free and clean hair.

You can use your preferred essential oils instead of Lavender.

You can skip the green clay if you’re worried about leaving clay behind and make this a honey shampoo for oily hair instead.

As compared to commercial shampoos, this natural shampoo is also nourishing and nurtures hair and scalp.

You can also use black tea, but green tea is richer in antioxidants compared to black tea. Green tea doesn’t undergo as much oxidization as black tea, making it fairly better.

Aloe Vera Based Shampoo

Aloe vera is available throughout the year and is easy to grow. It offers many skin and hair benefits, needless to say health benefits too.

It balances pH levels, regulates the scalp’s oil levels, and clears clogged hair follicles. This is an easy shampoo for oily hair you can try at home.

What You’ll Need

  • Aloe Vera Gel – 1 Tbsp.
  • Liquid Castile Soap – 2 – 3 Tbsps.
  • Tea Tree Essential Oil – 3 drops


  1. Nothing special, add all the ingredients together and add water if needed.
  2. Transfer to a shampoo bottle and use as needed.


You can add one or more essential oils per your preference.

Finish off with a conditioner after using this homemade shampoo and air dry your hair.

You can use Aloe Vera juice if you don’t get aloe gel.

Aloe vera curbs hair loss by improving hair growth rate – thanks to the nutrients in aloe.

Aloe vera is a natural humectant, but you can add vegetable glycerin additionally to prevent dry hair.

This recipe calls for store-bought natural aloe vera gel. If you are going the DIY route, make sure to add a few drops of vitamin E oil before running your blender.

You can use your own shampoo in place of Castile soap for this recipe. We suggest home shampoos using natural ingredients, though any natural shampoo would do.

You can do an ACV rinse for shinier and lustrous hair.

Tea Tree Oil Based Shampoo

Tea Tree Oil does wonders to regulate the scalp’s sebum levels and curb excess oil. It is also a good antifungal and antibacterial, so it will combat scalp issues, including dandruff.

What You’ll Need

  • Liquid Castile Soap – 2 Tbsps.
  • Tea Tree Essential Oil – 7 Drops
  • Jojoba Oil – 1/2 Tsp.
  • Rosemary Essential Oil – 3 drops
  • Water – 2 Tbsps.


  1. In a mixing bowl, add water and liquid Castile soap.
  2. Mix to combine and add in the oils – castor oil, rosemary, and tea tree essential oil.
  3. Transfer to a shampoo dispenser. Done!


This is a single-use homemade shampoo recipe, though you can prepare a larger batch and store it in the refrigerator.

You can also use any DIY shampoo instead of Castile soap.

Water is added to dilute the natural shampoo and make it more easy to apply. You can add as much as you need to get the right consistency.

Add baking soda if you want to get rid of scalp residue.

We’ve used tea tree as an astringent, since the scalp is an extension of your skin, we apply the same concept here to curb oil levels.

Essential Oils Based Shampoo

Essential oils are concentrated extracts and pack a punch when used in hair recipes. This simple homemade shampoo for oily hair will curb the scalp’s oil production levels, and you can bid adieu to limp hair.

What You’ll Need

  • Castile Soap – 2 Tbsps.
  • Water – 6 Tbsps.
  • Lemon Essential Oil – 4 drops
  • Myrrh – 3 Drops


  1. Add water to a mixing bowl.
  2. Dissolve the Castile soap with water.
  3. Now add all the ingredients except water and Castile soap, mix, and transfer to a shampoo bottle. Done!


You can use any one of the DIY shampoos or the regular shampoo you use for your hair instead of Castile soap.

You can use your preferred essential oils for this hair shampoo for oily hair and scalp. The best essential oils are the ones that help regulate or curb the scalp’s sebum levels and combat greasy hair, like citrus essential oils, tea tree oil, myrrh, peppermint, etc.

If you want to prepare and store for use, you can do that. It’s ideal for storing in the refrigerator for added shelf life – alternatively, you can add the oils and dilute them with water just before use. In that case, refrigeration is not needed.

You can finish with baking soda rinse to clarify your scalp.

You can try ACV to restore pH balance by adding it to the recipe or as a final rinse.

You can also consider turning this into a baking soda shampoo by adding it to the recipe instead of using it as a rinse.

What Causes Oily Scalp?

There are many reasons or causes for oily scalp and hair. The main reasons include frequent washing of hair, overstimulating the scalp by combining hair often or scrubbing too hard, stress, genetics, unhealthy diet, hormonal imbalance, stress, irregular hair wash cycle, etc.

Are Homemade Shampoos Safe?

Homemade shampoos are undoubtedly safe and mild compared to commercial shampoos. They can be used on straight hair, colored hair, for those with sensitive skin, etc. As long as the right ingredients are used for your scalp type, DIY body care products are not only good for your hair but affordable, too.

How To Use Homemade Shampoo for Oily Scalp?

Depending on the homemade shampoo chosen, apply to your scalp and hair and massage gently for a few minutes. Wash your hair and scalp thoroughly and finish off with a conditioner. Also, use lukewarm or cold water and not hot water to rinse your hair to prevent greasy hair, frizzy hair, hair loss, etc. Ideally, air-dry your hair.

Benefits of Homemade Shampoo for Oily Scalp

There are many benefits when preparing your own hair products, including shampoo. The main benefits are:

You can customize your shampoo according to your scalp and hair types.

You can add essential oils or other ingredients to care for your hair and scalp better.

You can modify the recipe to suit your needs better.

It’s affordable.

The entire process of preparing your own products looks like a breeze when considering the rewards.

Helpful Tips to Decrease Oil Production

Choose the right products or ingredients for your scalp and hair types.

Add oil to your hair care routine. Regularly oiling your scalp is important to avoid spiking the scalp’s sebum production by leaving it high and dry.

Don’t wash your hair frequently, but don’t go too long without showering either. It’s counterproductive.

Shampoo your hair and scalp thoroughly – don’t skimp on the process, as an unclean scalp can result in oily scalp.

Maintain your hair tools and keep them clean always.

Needless to say, don’t share your tools – comb, towel, etc.

Consider deep cleaning your scalp once a month.

Think about pampering your hair with a hair mask for thin and thick hair, deep conditioning oil massage, etc.

Don’t overstimulate your scalp and send sebum levels into overdrive. You can do this by combing too much or applying too much pressure while scrubbing or washing your hair, or by running your fingers through your hair and tugging it often, etc.

Consider clarifying your scalp to get rid of excess sebum and residue.

Consider pampering your hair with hair masks, deep conditioning oil massage, etc.

Consider having a healthy and balanced diet. Diet plays a key role in every aspect of our body. Identify foods that have adverse results and eliminate them from your diet.

Some ingredients help with hair and scalp health better. Try adding those foodstuffs and nutrients to your diet.

Don’t consume fried or oily foods – they tend to clog your pores when overindulged, and that can affect sebum regulation.

Avoid overdosing on styling products, styling treatments, using heat, etc.

Minimize styling and chemical treatments – hair coloring, bleaching, etc.

Don’t choose hairstyles that require pulling up hair too tight. Choose relaxed hairstyles that don’t strain your hair.


Overall, hair deserves and requires care and attention. If you want healthy crowning glory for longer, choose your hair routine and care wisely.

Not everyone will have the time for DIY hair shampoo for oily scalp but choose products that are natural and do not include harmful ingredients like parabens, chemicals, carcinogens, etc. The more gentle and natural your products are, the longer your scalp and hair will remain healthy.

Don’t know where to start? We have you covered with a range of premium and hair-friendly products from Vitamins Revive. Consider checking their store to know more about their products.

As always, feel free to write back to us with any questions or queries or to share feedback. Do let us know if you have any requests; we would love to hear from you.

DIY Revive

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